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Delaware river in a sentence

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Sentence count:26Posted:2022-11-09Updated:2022-11-09
Similar words: delawaredelaware bayst. lawrence riversaint lawrence riverdelay in deliverydelivererriverineup the riverMeaning: n. a river that rises in the Catskills in southeastern New York and flows southward along the border of Pennsylvania with New York and New Jersey to northern Delaware where it empties into Delaware Bay. 
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1. The Delaware River is the backdrop for the stage.
2. At last he crossed the Delaware River.
3. A city of western New Jersey on the Delaware River opposite Philadelphia. Walt Whitman lived here from1873 to1892. Population, 87, 492.
4. The states bordering on the Delaware River have entered into a compact for the sharing of its water.
5. Delaware River and surprised the British at Trenton, New Jersey.
6. March 28, 1943 USS Princeton CV-23 in the Delaware River near the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard.
7. A city of southeast Pennsylvania on the Delaware River, an industrial suburb of Philadelphia.
8. Udall reflected on the remarkable evolution in the Delaware River Basin he had witnessed and been part of as Secretary of the Interior in the 1960s.
9. A city of western New Jersey on the Delaware River opposite Philadelphia. Walt Whitman lived here from 873 to 892. Population, 87,492.
10. A community of southwest New Jersey near the Delaware River northeast of Camden. The destructive Japanese beetle was first discovered here in 9'. Population, ', 072.
11. This is the point where Washington's army crossed the Delaware River.
12. In 1787, inventor John Fitch demonstrated his steamboat on the Delaware River to delegates of the Continental Congress.
13. In 1931, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said when speaking about the Delaware River: "A river is more than an amenity; it is a treasure."
14. Often these words are intended as a source of inspiration for river protection and as a recognition of how valuable and important our Delaware River is.
15. Whatever the reason for the call, whatever the location, the idea that we should construct a dam across the Delaware River, or any tributary, is a bad one, a destructive one.
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16. Before going into winter camp, Washington led his men across the Delaware River to attack a Hessian outpost at Trenton, New Jersey, on the morning of December 26, 1776.
17. Many of our members, such as Nancy Shukaitis, who is mentioned frequently in damming the Delaware, have worked tirelessly to save the free-flowing character of the Delaware River and its tributaries.
18. Damming the Delaware is a poignant look, now updated to 2005, at a crucial and pivotal moment in the life of the Delaware River.
19. A city of southwest New Jersey near the mouth of the Delaware River south of Philadelphia.
20. However, the British failed to push their advantage, and Washington and his men were able to escape to New Jersey and across the Delaware River to Pennsylvania.
21. Europeans often referred to all Native Americans as Delawares, since many lived along what the Europeans named the Delaware River.
22. Often these words are intended as a source of inspiration for river protection and as recognition of how valuable and important our Delaware River is.
23. The largest city of Pennsylvania, in the southeast part of the state on the Delaware River.
24. Fisherman Ray Turner hand-built the V-shaped stone overflow dam, or weir, in the East Branch of the Delaware River in New York; its walls funnel eels into a wooden collecting rack.
25. Washington and his men were on the other side of the Delaware River from the Hessians.
26. In 1776, George Washington's retreating army in the American Revolution crossed the Delaware River from New Jersey to Pennsylvania.
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